If you’re new with us and you’re trying to figure out what Crossroads Community Church- also known as C3, is all about, this is the perfect series for you. I look at this series as kinda like dating. Dating is all about discovering the other person, this series is a lot about who we are.
If you regularly attend here then this series is a reminder, we are more than programs, we are more than fun activities, we are a hospital for the broken- not a museum for the righteous, and real ministry happen here. This series is a reminder that in the kingdom of God there shouldn’t be any spectators- but we should all be participants.
This series is all about vision, where God is leading us as a church with the understanding that God has a plan, God has a vision and He want’s us to be a part of what He’s doing and God’s vision is so powerful that He says “I will build my church and Hell cannot even stop it.”