Session 1
This is the start of our very first men’s conference here at C3! Before moving on to listening to the everyday topics that impact us as men, we must realize our desperation and reliance on the Lord. Prayer and worship are such a vital part of our walk with the Lord. Our conflicts seen through fleshly eyes here on earth are often time manifestations of spiritual battles being fought in the spiritual realm. It’s crucial that we seek help from the mountain mover rather than focus on the mountain, or try to move the mountain ourselves.
Pride is something that everyone struggles with in one way, shape, or form. It is not until we recognize who we are without the Lord, what He saved us from, and the everyday role He plays in our lives so that we can then walk in freedom and grow in so many different aspects.
Marriage is one of the biggest commitments we make in life. How can we best foster the relationship that God has given us? Affixing our eyes on Jesus and prioritizing who and what is most important in any relationship is key to a successful and fruitful unity.
Session 2
Preparation and having a plan are typically beneficial in most areas of your life. Finances are no exception to this. Our mindset must become one of stewardship- how can we best utilize what God has given us? Cody walks through how everything from budgeting to planning for financial hardship.
The tongue hold far more power than we naturally think. Listen as we learn what it takes to best control it. It’s far more than mind over matter- it’s a heart issue! We must first seek the Lord on the root cause of our anger and choice of words and tone.
Lust and temptation- an issue that every man has faced from adolescence through adulthood. Again, trying to overcome temptation in our own strength will result in failure. The devil is crafty and an expert in causing us to fall and sin. We must be fully surrendered to the Lord in both our lives and our weaknesses!
Session 3
Evangelism- an introvert’s kryptonite, but it doesn’t have to be! Too often we pawn this off as to not feeling called. Jesus commanded all of His disciples to go into all the world. The difficult reality is that the mission field can be found right in our own neighborhood or workplace. Listen as we hear some truths about ourselves and how to minister to those around us.
Mentorship is often an overlooked aspect in the church. Are we helping to raise individuals up as we ourselves continue to grow in our walk with the Lord? For every great man, there has often been a man or men that has helped build them up or influenced them in some capacity. Jesus led the disciples and grew them tremendously to be powerful men of God. Are we following His example and doing the same for those around us or the younger generation?
Are you willing to follow His plan for your life? In order to hear from Him, we must seek Him with all of our heart. Let’s put the societal norms to the side. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!