Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts | Part 2

By December 15, 2024December 22nd, 2024No Comments

God has gifts for each and every one of us, He is delighted when we eagerly desire and open the gifts that He has for us, He wants us to take those gifts into the world around us and use them not just on Sunday – but in our daily lives.

Spiritual gifts are the tools given to us from God in order to fulfill the mission of God: Reach the lost and grow the found.

Spiritual gifts are not just given to some, it’s not just for pastors, or deacons but spiritual gifts are given to the body of Christ. When you profess your faith in Jesus Christ – you are inheriting spiritual gifts.

Please join us as Pastor Donnie teaches from 1 Corinthians chapter 12 on 8 gifts of the Holy Spirit.